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Thyborøn is a town in northern West Jutland with 1,898 inhabitants on Harboøre Tange, located 11 km north of Harboøre, 75 km north of Ringkøbing, 55 km northwest of Holstebro, and 23 km north of Lemvig. The town is part of Lemvig Municipality and is located in the Central Denmark Region.

In Thyborøn we operate our own terminal and supply primarily via bunker barge, directly from pipeline by quay 907 or from one of our fuel facilities located by quay 803, 804, 808, 905 and quay 501.

About our terminal:

Our bunker barges:

  • STATHAV 9 - Storage size: 67 CBM
  • STATHAV 11 - Storage size: 72 CBM
  • STATHAV 21 - Storage size: 79 CBM

Address: Olievej 3, 7680 Thyborøn

Port information:

Quay: 907
Maximum depth of 9 metres and maximum ship length of approximately 130 metres.

Quay: 803, 804 and 808
Maximum depth of 9 metres and maximum ship length of approximately 75 metres.

Quay: 905
Maximum depth of 8 metres and maximum ship length of approximately 75 metres.

Quay: 501
Maximum depth of 6 metres and maximum ship length of approximately 59 metres.

  • Fuel facilities
  • Delivery ex-pipe
  • Delivery with bunker barge
  • Delivery with truck

Port of Thyborøn


The Port of Thyboron boasts a rich commercial legacy spanning over a century, strategically situated along the Danish North Sea coast, offering safe navigation even in adverse weather conditions. With 6 kilometers of quays and 1,000,000 square meters of adjacent land, we cater to four distinct business sectors, each with unique requirements.

Visit Thyborøn Port

Our experts are always ready to assist you

Reach out to our sales department for any questions or inquiries.

Get your own fuel card

With a Malik Energy fuel card, you have easy access to marine gas oil, around the clock and at competitive prices at our fuel facilities across Denmark.