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 Delivery ex-pipe


Malik Energy A/S delivers marine gasoil directly to vessels ex-pipe from our own terminals. The geographical locations of our terminals guarantee you flexibility in choosing port whenever you need bunkers. Our professional staff is always ready to serve you regardless of quantity. We ensure a punctual and efficient delivery of high-quality marine gasoil to your vessel.







  • Product quality matching seasonal weather conditions

  • Professional 24/7 service

  • On-time delivery

  • Flexibility




Supplying high quality products

At Malik Energy A/S, our experienced employees focus on supplying the best product. We monitor the market closely as well as buy and sell marine gasoil only of the highest quality. We always comply with all applicable ISO specifications.

Strong physical pressence

At Malik Energy A/S we operate our own terminals in key ports in Denmark. At these terminals we offer delivery ex-pipe. In ex-pipe deliveries, marine gasoil is delivered directly to the ship via a pipeline from our terminal.

Our terminals and ex-pipe facilities are operated with high focus on safety. Operating own terminals also means that we control the supply chain and thereby we are able to guarantee you the best quality of marine gasoil.

A more sustainable marine fuel

There are several options available to address global climate challenges by utilizing more environmentally friendly fuels in the maritime sector.

We can provide solutions today that offer an immediate reduction of up to 80% in CO2 emissions.