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 Fuel facilities


At Malik Energy A/S we have modern fuel facilities strategically located in several Danish ports. With a Malik Energy fuel card you can easily, quickly and at all times bunker marine gasoil whenever you need it. This ensures making bunkering easy and flexible.


Card ordering



  • Flexibility

  • Availability

  • On-time delivery

  • High quality adapted to season

to use.

Best service

We strive to provide the best service when and where you as a customer need it.


Easy access

Once you have acquired a Malik Energy fuel card you can use it at all our fuel facilities. The facilities are easy to access and easy to use.

Facility locations

You can find our fuel facilities in several Danish ports. Find all our locations here.

Get your own fuel card

With a Malik Energy fuel card you can easily operate our fuel facilities. You can use the facilities 24/7 in several Danish ports.